The similarity between the mobile app and its web counterpart can only be guaranteed by using a single source code. Thus, it doesn't matter if a user is using the app from a mobile device or a desktop computer, they'll enjoy the same, smooth experience. The necessity for two teams to work on distinct codebases is removed, as are the associated inconsistencies and issues.

Similarly, for the ARB Australia project, the client's codebase was quite comparable, and it had been used with Ionic and Angular before, but it had not been maintained. And because the client requested software development with only one single code, Saigon Technology did not have to split the development team into two or have to worry about inconsistencies and errors that might occur from having to maintain two different codebases.

Our client also requested an automated CI/CD pipeline for application delivery, and they planned to make the transition to Oracle Cloud very soon. Hence, having a modern online solution with both a mobile app and a web version built from the same source code from the client's request also provides consistency, scalability was also increased, expenses associated with development cut, and maintenance and support were simplified.


What The Client Required

The client requested a browser-based and scan gun-compatible software be developed for usage in the warehouse. 

Our team began by classifying many features, user roles, data inputs, and outputs that would be necessary. The design also took into account the demands of warehouse workers, such as quick access to information, legible labels, and streamlined data input. Subsequently, the essential software elements were created to facilitate uninterrupted communication between the scanning devices and the web-based application.

Scanning QR code and auto importing data from scan gun to the system.

Moving between steps automatically each time the scan gun finishes the task.

Able to export warehouse receipts and connect to a printer to print the label.

Implementing the whole cycle count and transfer flow.

Listing all the API that was used.


Our Technologies

Monthly group discussions are held by Saigon Technology to discuss strategies for improving client services. The team's utilization of advanced technologies and frequent evaluations ensured the consistent production of high-quality software products in the development industry.

The appropriate technology for the ARB project was identified through the use of fundamental techniques. It was imperative to execute the subsequent steps methodically.

01 Initial requirements
02 Feasibility Analysis
03 Proof of Concept (PoC)
04 Team Expertise
05 Cost Considerations
06 Risk Assessment

Specifically, the Saigon Technology team utilized the following technologies for the project:

  • React Native
  • Rest API
  • Azure DevOps
  • Oracle Cloud
  • CI/CD pipeline


The client had a restricted budget and required a versatile engagement model. We provided an Ionic app as the original reference, but we did not possess any adaptive resources.

The market trend for Ionic has been declining recently. It is uncommon for developers to remain committed to it. The system experienced performance issues and presents challenges in terms of maintenance.

The user encountered challenging experiences with the Ionic framework.

The client expressed interest in transitioning from Azure DevOps to Oracle Cloud to reduce expenses. This was a novel undertaking for our team.



The position offered a flexible work schedule and compensation would be provided on an hourly basis.

The team was hosted, consisting of a part-time DevOps professional and a React Native developer.

We considered migrating to React Native, a popular and growing technology in the market, as a replacement for the current Ionic app version.

The DevOps role was provided by Saigon Technology to facilitate the building of a pipeline and conduct research on Oracle Cloud.


STS Logo

Saigon Technology and the Client had daily internal meetings from the commencement of the project to expedite the sharing of daily progress reports. Because of the regular meetings, the team was able to remain on the same page, share information, and address issues more quickly. As a result of reduced misunderstanding and faster decision-making, efficiency would rise with production.

Sprint meetings were conducted every other week, during which the client-side team and Saigon Technology presented their work and got feedback. Sprint meetings were created to expedite the process so that more could be accomplished in less time. They aided iterative development, encouraged adaptive techniques, and allowed for quick adaptations to suit changing project requirements.

Building A Team

We established a strong and professional team to guarantee that this project would be completed on schedule. We began by generating a list of everything that needed to be done, and then we looked for individuals who could accomplish it.

Building A Team
  • Every team member should understand how their job contributes to the larger picture. We needed to ensure that everyone was on the same page about deadlines and what was expected of them.
  • It was critical that we thoroughly assess the requirements, or to understand the client's objectives and demands in terms of time, money, and technology selection.
  • The Saigon Technology team was able to efficiently design a system that supports good team collaboration and communication by using project management software, online message boards, and video conferencing software.
  • We employed an agile development approach such as Scrum or Kanban to ensure progress, regular feedback, and continuous refinement.
  • Furthermore, it was critical to define the project's scope, create clear goals, design a complete plan, identify and minimize risks, set a fair timeframe, and monitor progress as the project progressed.
Building A Team

Advantages Partnering With Saigon Technology

Saigon Technology has been a software development company that focuses on customizing solutions for corporate clients. We take pride in the fact that we can customize our services to each client's individual needs. Our team of Developers and Engineers is devoted to being accessible at all hours to better serve our customers in the Pacific-Asian region. The talented technical team has been offering additional advantages such as:

Advantages Partnering 0

Clients reported more success with cost projections and resource allocations when the pricing strategy went live. As a consequence of this change, the project's output has skyrocketed.

Advantages Partnering 1

Our process is so intricate that we can assure our customers of a 100 percent return on investment.

Advantages Partnering 2

Because of the team's use of an agile development approach, the client saw a dramatic increase in their technical prowess with just a few iterations of changes.

Advantages Partnering 3

Timelines, product development, and rollout may all be sped up by employing a specialized crew for the project.

Advantages Partnering 4

Leave the technical details to us while you focus on growing your company by entrusting us with your software development needs. It might have a major effect on the company's growth and finances if we carry it out accurately.

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