Facilitation Tool

Facilitation Tool

We discussed the difficulties our client encountered and how our knowledge of offshore development allowed us to come up with solutions that far above their expectations. And an amazing customer-facing platform was developed by our offshore development team thanks to their combined technical expertise, industry insight, and collaborative spirit. Our solution, built using cutting-edge tools and methods, not only fulfilled the client's needs but also beyond their expectations.

Saigon Technology team's efforts throughout the project proved the worth of outsourcing development by producing a low-priced yet high-quality solution. The user interface of the collaborative platform was clean and easy to use, giving users a consistent and positive experience across all channels.

Facilitation Tool

What The Client Required

This case study focuses on the development of an advanced online graphic editing application for a respected Australian client. The software had several cutting-edge capabilities, such as instantaneous synchronization, full support for Amazon Web Services (AWS), and a serverless design.

Key Features:

Online graphic editor

Synchronize all action in a session real-time

Integrate with AWS 



Our Technologies

We began by gathering a comprehensive list of functional and non-functional requirements for the project before zeroing in on the most important features, expected performance, scalability, integration needs, and preferred technologies.

01 Initial requirements
02 Feasibility Analysis
03 Proof of Concept (PoC)
04 Team Expertise
05 Cost Considerations
06 Risk Assessment

Specifically, the Saigon Technology team utilized the following technologies for the project:

  • AWS Aurora DB
  • AWS Cognito
  • AWS Lambda serverless
  • AWS API Gateway
  • AWS S3
  • AWS Amplify
  • AWS Route 53
  • Laravel Vapor
  • Angular 10
  • D3
  • SAAS


Adapted to modern technology; used cloud services; used serverless architecture

The requirements were unclear.

Space and time separation.

The testing bar was raised higher and higher to include every possible aspect of the application.

Swift shipping.



Adapted to modern technology; used cloud services; used serverless architecture.

Researched and tried out cutting-edge gadgets.

To maximize the product's quality, recommendations for best practices were made.

Targeted the single most crucial aspect of the MVP's intended functionality for rapid deployment.

Consulted with clients to determine what elements to include in the minimum viable product.

Got ready for requirement modifications at any time, but especially during the sprint.

Earned my AWS certification.

Made recommendations and suggestions to the client.

Prior to beginning, needs and designs were confirmed clearly.


STS Logo

From the start of the project, Saigon Technology and the Client had regular meetings to speed up the sharing of daily progress reports. The team was able to stay on the same page, exchange information, and resolve concerns more swiftly as a result of the frequent meetings. Efficiency would grow with output as a consequence of less misunderstanding and quicker decision-making.

Sprint meetings were held every other week, during which the client-side team and Saigon Technology presented and received feedback on their progress. Sprint meetings were established to speed up the process and achieve more in less time. They facilitated iterative development, fostered adaptable procedures, and enabled swift modifications to change project needs.

Building A Team

To assure the timely completion of this project, we assembled a competent and hardworking team. Therefore, we first compiled a comprehensive list of tasks and then recruited team members with the necessary skills.

Building A Team
  • Analyzing needs: We identified the features, demographics, and technological requirements of every project after learning about the specific needs and objectives.
  • Choosing competent members: By sticking to a tried-and-true approach, we knew that only app developers with the essential experience would be considered for further evaluation.
  • Team Formation: We then assembled a unique development team for our client, one that is suited to the specifications of your project. The project team may include mobile app developers, user interface/user experience designers, quality assurance engineers, project managers, and any other applicable specialists.
  • Communication and teamwork: We kept lines of communication open, conveyed information freely, and monitored progress effectively via frequent meetings and multiple methods of contact.
  • Maintaining standards via member follow-up: The whole development team went through quality assurance inspections and the final product was tested extensively to ensure it works as intended and easy to use for the target audience.
  • Project Management: A professional project manager supervised and guided all stages of production to guarantee timely delivery and efficient use of all resources.
Building A Team

Advantages Partnering With Saigon Technology

Our primary goal at Saigon Technology is to provide tailored solutions to our business clients. We take pride in our ability to meet each client's particular demands while providing the highest quality service possible. Our Software Developers and Engineers are dedicated to offering 24-hour support while keeping competitive pricing in the Pacific-Asian region. The staff at Saigon Technology provides additional benefits such as:

Advantages Partnering 0

Our company provides software development services, allowing you to concentrate on building your business while we manage the technical issues. You can rely on us as we deliver high-quality outcomes. The successful completion of this project will have a significant impact on the enterprise's development and financial benefit.

Advantages Partnering 1

According to our clients, our new pricing model has resulted in more accurate forecasting of future expenses and allocation of available resources. The change has resulted in a significant boost in project output.

Advantages Partnering 2

Based on the complexity of our methodology, we can guarantee our clients a positive ROI of 100%.

Advantages Partnering 3

The team's utilization of agile development methodology allowed for efficient modifications, resulting in the client's rapid improvement of their technical proficiency.

Advantages Partnering 4

Timelines, product development, and rollout may all benefit from using a focused workforce.

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