
You are assigned to implement a UI that has a complex layout. You spent a week researching but still don’t know how to do it...
As you may already know, Redux is a state container for Javascript apps. Have you ever had the chance to use Redux? If so, you mig...
Discover the power of advanced hooks in React! Unleash the full potential of functional components with custom hooks, useTransitio...
Let take a look into one of the most popular cloud storage services used by software developers. This article will show you the ma...
Nowadays, API is not a new thing in software development, and in the software testing area, we called the process of testing API i...
Explore the pros and cons of in-house software development vs. outsourcing, and discover how Saigon Technology can guide your...
Explore the challenges and strategies for implementing AI and ML in banking, covering job impact, security risks, and balancing te...
Explore the benefits and strategies of building a tech team in Vietnam, covering various models and insights for success with Saig...
Explore Vietnam's IT boom, its high-tech parks, skilled workforce, and how Saigon Technology is at the forefront of this excit...
Explore the benefits and strategies of outsourcing to Vietnam, a burgeoning hub for quality and cost-effective software developmen...

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